ready for the world's best?

mission: sunrise and sunset spots

Challenge activated

If you’ve been following along on Instagram and TikTok you may see that a new series has started profiling my mission to find the world’s best sunrise and sunset spots.

There is still a long way to go, but this issue of ‘The Sunrise Chaser’ will introduce some of my favourite spots for both sunrise and sunset, plus set the mission out further - which you can get involved in.

We’ll still have the regular favourites like the predicting tip and moon update, but this special edition will focus on those amazing places you’ll want to put on your bucket list.

predicting tip

Here is where I’ll share an additional or new tip to help with your sunrise and sunset chasing.

The best way to find an amazing sunrise or sunset spot is actually to search for it. Using a search engine or TikTok input ‘[place name] and sunset/sunrise’ this should bring up options, images and videos which will help you decide which you want to visit.

DW Around The World

what in the world…

Inspiration to improve your dedication

Below are just four places that are, without a doubt, among the world’s best sunrise and sunset locations. If you have any suggestions I’ve noted at the end where you can submit your picks.

world’s best sunrise spots pt i

This one is well-known to Sydney-based sunrise chasers, but the iconic Icebergs Pool looks sensational in the morning light.


sunrise in london town? would you get up early for this?

The River Thames is great for sunrise and sunset, but check out how gorgeous Tower Bridge looks in the long summer days when dawn is around 4 am.

world’s best sunset spots pt i

Situated just outside the northernmost town of Iceland is this ancient-looking structure which comes to life during the summer’s midnight sun sunsets. Check out the video to find out when it was actually constructed.


wherever you are in the world you’ll find sunset lovers 🌞 on the paradise island of siargao in the philippines is catangnan-cabitoonan bri... See more

South East Asia is well known for its incredible sunsets, with the Philippine islands having a wealth of locations to pick from. My favourite was this spot on the chilled island of Siargao where locals and tourists gathered to worship the sun’s descent.

bucket list

I couldn’t send out a newsletter without including some of the spots on my bucket list to visit. Have you been to any of these?

sunrise spot

The absolute dreamiest place on earth to watch the sunrise, and though there are always crowds I can imagine it will still be an incredible experience. Here AndyEscapes takes us through his trip to the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.


30/100 - BUCKETLIST ✅ Save these taj mahal pro tips: - do not bring a bag and only bring essentials, wallet, phone, camera. - book your t... See more

sunset spot

One of the more modern sunset spots on earth, but a place that has become incredibly popular due to social media. Shibuya Sky in Tokyo, Japan has a world-famous escalator with a glass wall that showcases the setting sun. They also give you a free printed photo to take away with you from the observation point - but you only have 30 seconds to take your own snaps so be quick.


まじクソ綺麗✨この時間帯好きな同士いませんか??#渋谷スカイ #shibuyasky #渋谷スクランブルスクエア #夕日 #マジックアワー #東京 #夜景

blame it on the moon

April’s Scorpio Full Moon will take place on the 23rd or 24th depending on where you are in the world. This means that good views of the moonrise should be possible from about 23rd until 25th, again depending on where you are in the world. I use this website to figure out specifics, for the best moonrise views you’re looking for a moonrise time closest to sunset time (both before and after).

If this special edition has inspired you or you have a spot you love please do share with me. Comment on this post which you can do by using the button below:

I’ve got lots more places to share and hoping to keep adding new ones to the list. I can’t wait to read all your suggestions and put them in my sights to visit. In the meantime, happy sky chasing.


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